Southern Asian Seventh-day Adventists started migrating to this part of the world during the late 1950’s. They occasionally met inone another’s homes for fellowship and worship. As the group grew larger they rented public halls and churches to hold meetings.  Towards the late 1980’s, a few of the community members approached the Potomac Conference with request to establish a church. After much discussion and prayer, permission was granted to establish a company with Pastor Franklin David as the volunteer pastor. The first service was held on January 9,1988. According to Potomac  Conference records, twenty four members joined the Church in the first quarter of 1988. The love and fellowship of this group attracted others, increasing the membership to over one hundred in a year’s time.   The conference recognized the growth and organized this company into a full-fledged church. Thus in February 1989, the Southern Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church joined the worldwide sisterhood of Seventh-day Adventist Churches. By the middle of 1990the church grew to nearly 250 members and Pastor David was appointed as the Pastor by the Conference. The rapid growth necessitated a move to another facility. Thus, we moved to Silver Spring Presbyterian Church on University Boulevard in Silver Spring. This became our home for the next 10 years (1995-2005) where the congregation continued its growth.   Since its inception, the congregation strongly felt the need to have their own church building. In the year 1992, 3.5 acres of land was purchased and as the plans were being made to build a church, the congregation was faced with various challenges and discouraging moments. The membership continued to grow as everyone continued to labor, overcoming obstacle after obstacle upholding the mission, “Building for His Glory.”

In 2000, God provided us with a gift of 21+ acres at the cost of 1.5 million dollars that has become our present home.Groundbreaking took place in 2003 and we moved into our new church to worship on the first Sabbath of 2006, 18 years after being established as a company. 

737626_10151218307817986_1292840081_oBy the grace of God, we have continued to grow. While some have come and  some have gone, God keeps adding to our fellowship and as of December  2020, our membership stands at 910. We move forward in faith to reach a membership of one thousand n the near future. 

God bless the growth of His kingdom!