Best Friends


Vespers – Fridays @7:30 p.m.
First Service @ 9 a.m.
(50 family units limit)
Sabbath School: 10:00 a.m.
(50 family units limit)
Second Service: 11:00 a.m.
(50 family units limit)
Please follow the safety guidelines mandated by Federal, State and County authorities. The Guidelines are:
1. It is mandatory to wear a mask at all times for safety of others and yourself. If you have forgotten your mask, a new one will be provided. If you cannot wear a mask or refuse to wear one, we request you to worship online as deacons will not permit you to come in. Gloves also will be provided if needed. Sanitizers are placed at different stations, please use them.
2. As per regulations, only 50 family units will be allowed into the sanctuary for each service. You are requested to sit in every other pew.
3. We will be using only upper level. The basement door will remain closed.
4. The main entrance will be used for entry only. Please note there will be only one entrance.
5. There will be two exits.
-Through the exterior door next to prayer chapel
– Through the exterior door next to the coat closet area
6. Please Maintain a minimum of six feet of physical distance from one another and follow the posted signs.
7. Members are requested to leave the building right after the service is over. Please do not remain in the sanctuary or congregate in the narthex.
8. If you are sick, have any health conditions, have come in contact with Covid-19 patients or anyone in your house has come in contact with Covid-19 patients, we request that you stay home and worship with us online at 11:00 a.m.
Beginners & Kindergarten – Zoom ID: 544-906-348, Password: 034417
Primary I & II – Zoom ID: 578-824-5309,
Juniors Zoom ID: 630-715-4157, Password: 235754
Earliteens Zoom ID: 845-0717-1914, Passcode: 11234
Youth – Zoom ID: 225-024-8896,
Password: Waiting room
Collegiate – Zoom ID: 914-794-261,
password: 984935v
Young Adults – Zoom ID: 742-503-651

Freedom of Religion

SAYC2017 Program

September 1, Friday
5:00 pm Registration
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Keynote I
John Daniel, Associate Pastor, Southern Asian Church
7:00pm Presentation I
Terry Ford, President, Adventist HealthCare
*The hall will be open till 10:00pm for anyone who wishes to stay back and socialise
September 2, Saturday
9:00 am Devotion
Bill Miller, President, Potomac Conference of Seventh-day ADventists
10:00 am Bible Study
11:00 am Keynote II
Bill Miller, President, Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
1:00 pm Lunch
3:00 pm Presentation II
Weymouth Spence, President Washington Adventist University
5:00 pm Musical Meditations
6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Devotion
8:30 pm Social Night
*The hall will be open till 10:00pm for anyone who wishes to stay back and socialise
September 3, Sunday
8:00 am Devotion
8:30 am 5k Fun Run / Health Awareness
9:00 am Habitat for Humanity I
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Habitat for Humanity II
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Devotion
September 4, Monday
8:45 am SmarTrip® cards and sack lunch can be picked up from the Church.
9:00 am Shuttle to Silver Spring Metro Station

More Blessed to Give

And on the domestic front, our youth and collegiates have been going on mission trips almost every summer. After they return, they share how richly blessed they were from the experience. This evening between 5-8 p.m., our youth are raising funds for their mission trip at Chick-Fil-A, 12289 Tech Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Chick-Fil-A will be donating 20% of all those orders between 5-8 p.m. today, April 5, 2017. Please mention “SASDAC Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser” when you order. Thank you for supporting our young people.
Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David

First Christian College for Women

Thanks to the ones who cared to respond with encouraging words asking me to continue my blog as they do even forward it to some of their colleagues and friends. That is not just being kind to me but that is what we call as loving-kindness. I am reminded of a Sabbath School teacher who asked her children if anyone could tell the meaning of loving-kindness. A little fellow immediately jumped up and said, “Well, if I am hungry and someone gave me a piece of bread that would be kindness. But if they put a little jam on it, that would be loving-kindness.” Won’t it be nice if we all can add a little jam to all who God brings on our pathway and be lovingly kind to them, first
to our spouse, then our children and then the rest. About our God, the Psalmist says: “Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” Since we are crowned with lovingkindness, Why not spread it around a little bit daily?
Now coming to my quiz from last week. Some of you came very close to the answer but not the correct one I was looking for. Most of you named the first school that was started in India. That evidently happened to be in Tamil Nadu. But I had asked for the first school for girls. As per my records, it was started in response to the letter written with eagle feathers by the missionary to his sister. The sister’s name was Isabella Thoburn. She started the school with six children in a bazaar area in Lucknow. Later on it became a boarding high school. It was the first Christian college for women in Asia, known as the Lucknow Women’s College. When she died of cholera in 1900 it became the Isabella Thoburn College. I wonder if anyone reading my blog has seen this college. I would love to hear from them. Sacrifices of such great missionaries should never be forgotten.
Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David
“See the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, and

John Wesley

grammars on Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French and English. He completed three works on medicine, six volumes of church music, seven volumes of sermons and edited fifty volumes of “The Christian Library.” Wow! Those are just a few of his great accomplishments. He woke up at 4 a.m. and went to bed at 10 p.m. and would often say, “I have more hours of private retirement than any man in England.” How do we plan to manage our days? Something to think about as we face the

Adventist Hill

visiting the humble abode of a great personality I have admired over the years, Mother Theresa.
Mizoram is beautiful by day and awesome by night. It’s amazing how houses are built on stilts both in the valleys and mountain slopes utilizing every inch of space. The function we attended in Aizawl,
the capital city, was graced by her highness, Mrs. Riliani, the first lady of Mizoram, wife of the Chief Minister. At the ribbon cutting of the neonatal ICU at the SDA Hospital, we were told that if babies
die, it’s because there is not one hospital in all of Mizoram that has a neonatal ventilator. What a blessing it would be if babies can be saved if they had a neonatal ventilator. I was able to present
the amount raised in our church for this purpose and the Columbia Union President announced that he will double our contribution and make sure they have one soon. Incidentally, the Columbia Union also
presented an ambulance to this small little hospital on Adventist Hill. It is called Adventist Hill because most of the people who live there are Adventists. They have an 800-member church on this hill with no pastor but taken care by 11 elders. Wow! I wish we could model them in the USA.
Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David
“See the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, and
think the unthinkable.”