Yesterday at our staff devotion, we stumbled upon the life style of a great preacher, which I don’t think was an accident but rather that God has a mysterious way of talking to us at the right moment. John Wesley, on an average, preached three sermons a day for fifty four years. He did it by traveling on horseback for more than 5000 miles a year. He also found time to write and edit. His published works include a four-volume commentary of the entire Bible, a five-volume work on natural philosophy, a four-volume work on church history and an English dictionary. He also wrote histories of England and Rome,
grammars on Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French and English. He completed three works on medicine, six volumes of church music, seven volumes of sermons and edited fifty volumes of “The Christian Library.” Wow! Those are just a few of his great accomplishments. He woke up at 4 a.m. and went to bed at 10 p.m. and would often say, “I have more hours of private retirement than any man in England.” How do we plan to manage our days? Something to think about as we face the
grammars on Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French and English. He completed three works on medicine, six volumes of church music, seven volumes of sermons and edited fifty volumes of “The Christian Library.” Wow! Those are just a few of his great accomplishments. He woke up at 4 a.m. and went to bed at 10 p.m. and would often say, “I have more hours of private retirement than any man in England.” How do we plan to manage our days? Something to think about as we face the
beginning of a New Year. We have all been given identical suitcases, all the same size, but some people pack more into them than others. Apostle Paul admonishes us “to make the most use of our time.” May God help us heed His counsel and make 2017 a productive year for His glory.
Shalom, Shalom!