Enroute to Pune, we stopped to visit the impressive school building coming up under the leadership of Dr. Justus Devadas. It was
interesting to worship with a Tamil congregation in Pune as well. After nearly 40 years, I had the opportunity to preach in Tamil with a young Tamil girl who studied at our Lasalgaon School, translating into Marathi for the one and only Marathi member in the congregation. I am reminded once again of Jesus’ parable never to neglect even one. So as we approach the evangelistic meetings that will be starting March 10, may we invite at least one person for the evangelistic series. Before leaving on this trip, I requested each one of you to pray for one person. Now may we do our part of answering our own prayer by inviting that one person we have been praying for the last few weeks and surely the good Lord will speak in their hearts and bring them to the foot of the cross. Even if you have forgotten to pray, why not reach out to someone who has stopped attending church or for that matter anyone and bring them into the fold. This may be our last and greatest opportunity to win another to the cross. May I earnestly request each one of you to keep the speakers and the meetings in your prayers. For when we work, we work. But when we pray, God works in and through us to bring about a miracle for His glory.
interesting to worship with a Tamil congregation in Pune as well. After nearly 40 years, I had the opportunity to preach in Tamil with a young Tamil girl who studied at our Lasalgaon School, translating into Marathi for the one and only Marathi member in the congregation. I am reminded once again of Jesus’ parable never to neglect even one. So as we approach the evangelistic meetings that will be starting March 10, may we invite at least one person for the evangelistic series. Before leaving on this trip, I requested each one of you to pray for one person. Now may we do our part of answering our own prayer by inviting that one person we have been praying for the last few weeks and surely the good Lord will speak in their hearts and bring them to the foot of the cross. Even if you have forgotten to pray, why not reach out to someone who has stopped attending church or for that matter anyone and bring them into the fold. This may be our last and greatest opportunity to win another to the cross. May I earnestly request each one of you to keep the speakers and the meetings in your prayers. For when we work, we work. But when we pray, God works in and through us to bring about a miracle for His glory.
Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David
“See the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, and
think the unthinkable.”