What do you see?

A company had invited a motivational speaker to address its employees at their annual banquet.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of unrest and challenges in the city that this company was located and even the employees were not happy about what was going on around them.  During his presentation, the speaker took a large piece of white paper and made a black dot in the center of it with his black maker.  He then held the paper up and asked the audience: “What do you see?” One person was brave enough to reply, “I see a black dot.”  The speaker said, “that is right, what else do you see?” Others also answered and said, “We see a black dot.”  The speaker continued, “Don’t you see anything besides the dot?”  The audience responded with a resounding “No!”  It was then that the motivational speaker told them, you have overlooked seeing the most important thing, you missed seeing the large white sheet of paper and focused only seeing the black dot. And then he went on to explain how even in life, we get so distracted
by the small dot-like events or failures that happen in our lives or around us.  We often forget to focus on the blessings, failures, success and joys that we enjoy and surround us.  Unfortunately, our disappointments monopolize our energy and attention.  Even this morning as I was driving to my office, I witnessed a group of High School students marching in protest in front of their school.  I did not stop by to find out the reason of their protest.  Maybe it was the presidential election results.  How  true it is that we often only concentrate on the negatives and forget the positives.  As we approach Thanksgiving season, so unique in this country, may we remember that life comes with its good and bad.  May we always be thankful for what we have.

Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David

“Men who see the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, and think the unthinkable.”