September 1, Friday
5:00 pm Registration
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Keynote I
John Daniel, Associate Pastor, Southern Asian Church
7:00pm Presentation I
Terry Ford, President, Adventist HealthCare
*The hall will be open till 10:00pm for anyone who wishes to stay back and socialise
September 2, Saturday
9:00 am Devotion
Bill Miller, President, Potomac Conference of Seventh-day ADventists
10:00 am Bible Study
11:00 am Keynote II
Bill Miller, President, Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
1:00 pm Lunch
3:00 pm Presentation II
Weymouth Spence, President Washington Adventist University
5:00 pm Musical Meditations
6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Devotion
8:30 pm Social Night
*The hall will be open till 10:00pm for anyone who wishes to stay back and socialise
September 3, Sunday
8:00 am Devotion
8:30 am 5k Fun Run / Health Awareness
9:00 am Habitat for Humanity I
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Habitat for Humanity II
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Devotion
September 4, Monday
8:45 am SmarTrip® cards and sack lunch can be picked up from the Church.
9:00 am Shuttle to Silver Spring Metro Station